Regardless of how you are affiliated with the building industry, your business is affected by the efforts of this Association. In recent years, a barrage of issues, challenges, and threats has besieged the housing industry with unparalleled frequency and severity. It is only due to the resolve and resiliency of builders that new houses not only have been constructed, but also remain affordable. Locally, economic conditions, employment opportunities, the reputation of the school system, and recreational resources are but a few of the many factors that converge on housing to impact its’ value and desirability.
3-in-1 Membership
When you join this local association, you automatically become a member of the Home Builders Association of Georgia and the National Association of Home Builders. These state and national associations can be reached by a toll-free phone call or a click of the mouse to their websites. You will find valuable resources on countless issues.
Strength in Numbers
With fellow members of this Association who share your concern for OUR industry, your voice will gain strength and be heard throughout the offices of your local, state and federal government officials.
Insurance Opportunities
Members automatically become eligible to apply for workers compensation insurance and general liability coverage through Builders Insurance… a company created by builders for people in the building business!
Networking and Marketing
The opportunity to meet others “in the business” is available at all Association activities. Monthly general membership meetings are a great time to exchange ideas & discuss problems! Special events such as Parades and Showcases let you display your products/services to the public, and our golf tournaments let you show fellow members what you can do for them! Check out our sponsorship/advertising opportunities on our home page.
Educate Yourself
We have long been a participant in seminars covering building codes, construction techniques and other subjects that directly affect construction quality. All are intended to raise the knowledge base of local tradesmen and contractors and to raise the standards of construction quality. Take advantage of the educational seminars and workshops we offer. Stand out from the rest by earning a professional designation.
Join a Council
Our Commercial Builders Council, Remodelors Council and Sales & Marketing Council host meetings and educational seminars with special guests who will discuss timely issues important to your business.
Member Advantage Program
The NAHB HBA Member Advantage program offers members many money-saving discounts that benefit your businesses, employees, and family. Reduce your day-to-day business costs with these member-only discounts. Your membership entitles you to discounts on car rentals, office/computer products, PCs, financial and business services, overnight delivery, and more. Participating, nationally known companies include Dell Computers, Pitney Bowes, Williams Scotsman, and Hertz, just to name a few.
Special member pricing on products from – an official web site of the National Association of Home Builders. For the ‘books that build your business,” this is the trusted online store for books, software and digital products for today’s progressive builders, developers, contractors and building industry professionals. Members receive a 10% discount on orders.